豐族文翻譯Moral defenses against corruption are in the making.●行百里者半九十
We should pursue a just cause for common good.●打鐵還需本身硬
It takes a good blacksmith to make steel.(大陸中心/綜合外電報道)
Never forget why you started 翻譯公司 and your mission can be accomplished.●登高望遠,居安思危
No place has been out of bounds, no ground left unturned 翻譯公司 and no tolerance shown in the fight against corruption.●堅定不移「打虎」「拍蠅」「獵狐」
Seeing Party self-governance exercised fully and with rigor.●對峙反腐敗無禁區、全籠蓋、零容忍
中共總書記習近平前天在中共19大呈文,提出很多辭彙,例如「不忘初心,方得始終」,這短短八字,意思似虛還實,但如要翻譯成英語,又應若何處置?中共首次約請包羅來自英國、加拿大、西班牙等多名 翻譯外國專家,參與黨代會翻譯工作,把習近平的陳訴翻譯成多國說話 翻譯社以下為集列國專家盡力,將報告中特殊用語的英文版:。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯●新時代中國特點社會主義
Aim high and look far, be alert to dangers even in times of calm.●周全從嚴治黨
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.●不忘初心,方得始終
We have taken firm action to “take out tigers”, “swat flies” and “hunt down foxes”.●不想腐的堤壩正在修建
The last leg of a journey marks the halfway point.●大道之行,天下為公
文章出自: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20171020/1226079/有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯社