作詞: John McLaughlin 翻譯公司 Wayne Hector, Steve Mac 翻譯公司 Steve Robson
She looks at you so coolly她冷淡地谛視著你
So you take her是以你帶著她
Running through the year of the cat流淌過全部貓年
Year of the cat
Till your sense of which direction completely disappears直到你到底哪一個偏向 翻譯感受完全落空為止
But the drum-beat strains of the night remain夜晚 翻譯敲鼓之重要狀態仍然縈繞不去
That she came in the year of the cat她來自貓年
To find what's waiting inside the year of the cat去找尋貓年裏所守候著的
In a country where they turn back time在一個人們將光陰倒流的國家裏
Don't bother asking for explanations別費勁去要求诠釋
She doesn't give you time for questions她不會給你時候提問
原唱: Al Stewart
I feel my life just like a river我感應我的平生就像一條河道
Al Stewart 翻譯英文歌─Year of the cat─貓年+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文學習
And you follow你跟著她
On a morning from a Bogart movie在一個從亨佛萊鮑嘉片子場景裏的早晨
And you've thrown away the choice and lost your ticket你抛棄了選擇 遺失了車票
But for now, you're going to stay in the year of the cat但此刻 你將要留在貓年
There's a hidden door she leads you to她指導你走進一扇暗門
And her eyes shine like the moon in the sea她的雙眼發亮 猶如海上的月光
第一影片(Al Stewart演唱)供應者:vzqk50HD
So you have to stay on所以你得繼續留下
By the blue tiled walls near the market stalls在接近市集攤位四周貼著藍色磁磚 翻譯圍牆的旁邊
In the rhythm of the new-born day在極新一天的節拍裏
She comes out of the sun in a silk dress running她穿著活動著絲質洋裝 從陽光中走出來
Well morning comes and you're still with her唉呀 都已早上了 你依然和她在一路
You know sometime you're bound to leave her你很清晰你早晚一定會離開她
Contemplating=思考著;Don't bother =別費力;ask for=要求;lock up =扣住;stall=攤位、馬廄;incense=香味、香;throw away =抛棄;to stay on=繼續留下;sometime =有時、遲早;to be bound to=一定會
Contemplating a crime思考著一樁犯行
She'll just tell you她只會告訴你
You go strolling through the crowd like Peter Lorre你像彼得羅瑞一樣 散步過人群
She comes in incense and patchouli她帶著香味及廣藿香油製之香水味前來
作曲: John McLaughlin, Wayne Hector, Steve Mac 翻譯公司 Steve Robson
These days, she says, 這些日子以來 她說
Year of the cat貓年
As she locks up your arm in hers當她將你的雙臂扣住在她的懷裏
And the bus and the tourists are gone而巴士和觀光客都走光了
Like a watercolor in the rain像一幅雨中的水彩畫
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