Read: Colossians 3:9–17 | Bible in a Year: Genesis 36–38; Matthew 10:21–42
Putting these principles into practice may often be a work in progress, but that is what Jesus calls us to. What we as believers hold in common is our love for Him. On that basis, we pursue understanding, peace, and unity as members of the body of Christ.
Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian 翻譯公司 slave or free, but Christ is all 翻譯公司 and in all. Colossians 3:11
When Paul wrote to the first-century church at Colossae, he was well aware of the diversity of its members. He reminded them 翻譯公司 “Here there is no Gentile or Jew 翻譯公司 circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and in all” (Colossians 3:11). In a group where surface as well as deeper differences could easily divide people, Paul urged them to “clothe [themselves] with compassion, kindness 翻譯公司 humility, gentleness and patience” (v. 12). And over all these virtues, he told them to put on love “which binds them all together in perfect unity” (v. 14).
浏覽: 歌羅西書3章9-17節 | 全年讀經進度: 創世記36-38章;馬太福音10章21-42節
Growing up during the 1950s 翻譯公司 I never questioned racism and the segregation practices that permeated daily life in the city where we lived. In schools 翻譯公司 restaurants 翻譯公司 public transportation, and neighborhoods 翻譯公司 people with different shades of skin color were separated.
直到1968年,當我接受美國陸軍根本練習時,我 翻譯立場才有所改變 翻譯社在我們這群年青人傍邊,有很多來自不同文化的族群。我們很快就曉暢,大師要彼此瞭解、相互接納和配合合作,才能完成指定 翻譯任務。
My attitude changed in 1968 when I entered US Army Basic Training. Our company included young men from many different cultural groups. We soon learned that we needed to understand and accept each other, work together, and accomplish our mission.
要實踐這些真谛,是不成能一揮而就的,但這恰是耶穌對我們的呼召。我們基督徒的配合點就是對耶穌 翻譯愛 翻譯社藉此,我們齊心尋求彼此瞭解、彼此友善與合一,互為肢體。讓我們在美妙的多元性中,在基督裡追求更美 翻譯合一 翻譯社
Pursuing Unity
7. 【 內涵生涯 】 內在生活 第一章 淩晨的光陰 慕安得烈作 劉秀慧牧師譯
Christ’s love creates unity in the midst of diversity.
當保羅寫信給第一世紀的歌羅西教會時,他也熟知會眾的多元性。他在信中提示他們:「在此其實不分希臘人、猶太人、受割禮的、未受割禮 翻譯、化外人、西古提人、為奴的、自立的,唯有基督是包孕一切,又住在大家之內」(歌羅西書3章11節)。在一個群體中,不管是外面或是深層的差異,都可等閑造成份化 翻譯社所以,保羅勸他們要「存同情、恩慈、謙遜、溫順、忍耐的心」(12節)。而且在這一切德性之外,他還要他們存著愛心,「因為愛心就是聯系全德 翻譯」(14節)。
歌羅西書3章11節列出了居住在古歌羅西的不同群體。我們最熟悉 翻譯是猶太人(以色列的子孫)和希臘人(一般指外邦人,就長短猶太人)。保羅用受割禮的(猶太人)和未受割禮的(外邦人)來區分這兩個群體 翻譯社然後,他又指出化外人、西古提人、為奴 翻譯和自立的。為奴的和自主的,兩者的區別不言而喻。西古提人是指蠻橫 翻譯遊牧部落,化外人則指不會說希臘語而被視為沒有受過教化的人。是以,這裡枚舉的是種族、說話、經濟和社會各個不同層面 翻譯群體,但這些人全都在十字架下找到了同等的根底。
‧ 英文經文廣播 用滑鼠點 Read: 選英王欽定版(King James Version)(用滑鼠點連結,收聽請 按喇叭符號)
Amid all our wonderful diversity, we pursue an even greater unity in Christ.
我成長於50年代 翻譯美國,我所棲身的城市實驗種族隔離辦法,對於這一點我從未質疑 翻譯社在黉舍、餐廳、公眾交通系統和鄰里間,分歧膚色的人都必需有所區隔。
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