Praising our leaders讚美我們 翻譯領袖吧
And diamonds are forever而鑽石是永恆的
Turn our golden faces into the sun將我們金色的臉龐轉向太陽吧
So many dreams swinging out of the blue太多的胡想在好天霹靂中轉向掉
作曲: Bernhard Lloyd Marian Gold Frank Mertens
So many adventures couldn't happen today有太多的冒險現在不敢去試
I don't want to perish like a fading horse我不肯如光陰似箭一般地磨滅
Forever young, I want to be forever young永久年青 我想要永久年青。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯
The music's for the sad men音樂是為了悲戚的人而存在
It's so hard to get old without a cause很難漫無目的而年事漸長
Do you really want to live forever你真的想活到永遠
But we never say never但我們絕不說 毫不
Forever young, I want to be forever young永遠年輕 我想要永久年輕
Sitting in a sandpit坐臥在沙坑中
Do you really want to live forever你真的想活到永遠
Forever young
Forever young, I want to be forever young永久年青 我想要永久年青
Youth's like diamonds in the sun青春就像陽光下的鑽石
Why don't they stay young? 為何他們無法青春永駐
We don't have the power我們雖沒有權力
Let us die young or let us live forever讓我們英年早逝 或讓我們永生不老吧
in style=有氣派地;to be getting in tune=愈來愈和諧;stay young字面上為逗留芳華=青春永駐;like a fading horse=如光陰似箭,此處fade為枯萎、幹枯、褪去;adventures… happen,happen做嘗試解;swing out of the blue=在好天霹靂中轉向掉,swing為轉向,out of the blue= out of the blue sky跟中辭意思一樣為晴天霹靂;come true=實現
Are you going to drop the bomb or not? 你是不是將要投下炸彈
Forever young, I want to be forever young永久年青 我想要永久年青
But expecting the worst卻盼到了最壞 翻譯
Do you really want to live forever你真的想活到永久
Some are like water有些人像流水
Forever young永遠年輕
Some are like the heat有些人像熱氣
Do you really want to live forever你真 翻譯想活到永久
Some are a melody and some are the beat有些人像一股旋律 還有些人像是節奏
Let's dance for a while讓我們舞一會兒吧
Forever -- and ever永遠 而且永遠
Sooner or later 翻譯公司 they all will be gone早晚 他們終將磨滅
第一影片(Alphaville演唱)供給者:Sergio Musicalman
第二影片提供者(僅卡拉OK伴唱):Karaoke mp3 mario giannotta
Alphaville 翻譯英文歌─Forever young─永久年輕+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文進修
We'll let them come true我們終將使它實現吧
Life is a short trip人生是一段短暫的旅行
Can you imagine when this race is won? 你能想像在我們贏得角逐的時候
The music's played by the madmen狂人們正在演奏著音樂
We're getting in tune我們愈來愈融洽
So many songs we forgot to play太多我們已健忘怎麼唱 翻譯歌曲
刊行: 1984
原唱: Alphaville
Let's dance in style讓我們有氣派地起舞吧
作詞: Bernhard Lloyd Marian Gold Frank Mertens
We're only watching the skies我們只是瞻仰著天空
Forever -- and ever永久 而且永久
Forever young, I want to be forever young永久年輕 我想要永久年輕
Hoping for the best期望著最誇姣的
Do you really want to live forever你真的想活到永遠
Forever -- and ever永久 並且永遠
Heaven can wait天堂可以守候