撣文翻譯翻譯社原內容以下: This is a 58y/o male patient with history of right renal stone s/p ESWL and left side renal and ureteral stone s/p ESWL and URSL with D-J stenting. Bladder tumor and right ureteral tumor was noted during previous surgical intervention on 2012/08/23. when TUR-BT and URS-biopsy were done. The pathology report revealed urothelial carcinoma. high grade. pT1 In the urinary bladder.and urothelial carcinoma in the right ureter. He was then referred to our OPD for further management. He is now admitted for cystoscopy with possible TUR-BT and Right HARN with BCR. 本身稍微翻譯了一下 有許多恍惚的地方 以下: 這是一個58歲男性患者, 其曩昔曾因右腎結石、左腎及輸尿管結石實行過體外震波碎石術(ESWL) 及輸尿管腎臟鏡碎石術(URSL)、雙J管支持術(D-J stenting)翻譯 2012/08/23因膀胱癌和右輸尿管腫瘤實行經尿道膀胱腫瘤切除術(TUR-BT)、 經輸尿管腎臟鏡檢結石取出術(URS-biopsy)的進行。 本次入院,因病理敷陳顯示其有泌尿道癌(pT1(?)在泌尿道、膀胱), 地點為右輸尿管,然後,他被轉介到我們的門診做進一步的搜檢。 今朝放置膀胱鏡查抄為經尿道膀胱腫瘤切除術(TUR-BT)、Right HARN with BCR. 煩請列位學長姐幫我看一下 我翻的蒙頭轉向了@@ ps:HARN 和 BCR 到底是什麼器材阿~~~~~~~ 淚跪......

以下文章來自: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Nurse/M.1347898025.A.88C.html有關各國語文翻譯公證的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯公司02-23690932


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