越南字翻譯比較起來,這位Y.B. Liang 翻譯英譯,是不是好懂好唸又好背?
Before my bed
(1)Translation by Arthur Cooper
值得留意的是,譯者用moonbeam而不是一般常見的moonlight.這是有緣由 翻譯.因為在英文裡,moonlight老是用在夜晚偷雞摸狗,不甚光亮 翻譯場景,常讓人聯想到月黑風高之類的壞事,是個負面用詞.中國人的月光潔白無暇,英譯唐詩就不克不及用moonlight了.因而可知,詩雖短雖白,譯者卻用了心.
I raise my head 翻譯公司 look at the moon—
On a Quiet Night
And wonder if that can be frost on earth.
對詩歌翻譯沒有研究,這位Y.B. Liang不知是何許人.網路上找不到,也就算了.倒是覺得這份中譯平實貼切,很合乎原詩淺白,老幼能讀 翻譯精神.因為我家的小伴侶,不單一教就會背,並且聽過「垂頭思便當」這個台灣兒童耳熟能詳的仿作後,想都沒想就衍生出” I bow my head 翻譯公司 think of my food”這種又押韻又合意譯的詞句.
。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯附註:本日向藏書樓預約了兩本唐詩三百首英譯,或許過幾日可以補上其他譯作對照.目前只找到這三種版本,以Y.B. Liang的英譯最為合意.
Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned.
I wonder if it's frost aground.
Abed, I see a silvery light,
(2)Translation by許淵沖
Looking up 翻譯公司 I find the moon bright;
Translation by Y. B. Liang
舉頭望明月 低頭思故鄉
床前明月光 疑是地上霜
I bow my head, think of my home
There is bright moonlight,
So that it seems Like frost on the ground.
I dream that I'm home.
Lowering my head,
Lift my head, I watch the bright moon,
I saw the moonbeams play before my berth
Ann 朗讀唐詩 靜夜思 朗讀英詩
Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned.
I wonder if it's frost aground.
Abed, I see a silvery light,
(2)Translation by許淵沖
Looking up 翻譯公司 I find the moon bright;
Translation by Y. B. Liang
舉頭望明月 低頭思故鄉
床前明月光 疑是地上霜
I bow my head, think of my home
There is bright moonlight,
So that it seems Like frost on the ground.
I dream that I'm home.
Lowering my head,
Lift my head, I watch the bright moon,
I saw the moonbeams play before my berth
Ann 朗讀唐詩 靜夜思 朗讀英詩
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靜夜思 李白