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「孩子在哭,爸媽在哭,Rachel Maddow在哭,我也在哭。全部國度都在一起落淚,」網友Shawn in AZ寫道翻譯


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安裝完成等于繁體中文版 + 一鍵破解檔 


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英翻義翻譯社 0010560906海神疑雲(新版)


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檔案有點大 所以我放在裡面!


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巴米萊克文翻譯族翻譯社 外媒開麥拉架好位置,準備拍川金簽署文件的歷史鏡頭,北韓攝影記者卻一向在鏡頭前晃來晃去,讓人只看獲得他後腦勺,外國記者只能苦笑玩笑,北韓記者真拼命。終於北韓記者退出了鏡頭外,但現場負責維安的北韓官員,卻又對記者站著的位置,很有意見,走過來大動作批示,要人人後退。<喇叭字:略微撤退退卻一點...     這個人還會回來現場美方官員也勸阻不住,趕快找來翻譯,協助溝通;可是現場鬧轟轟,溝通不良,記者也被推出火氣。<喇叭字:翻譯公司幹嘛推我  他要我幹嘛  一向吼我又推我北韓不只金正恩神神機密,他難得出國訪問,隨行人員,包羅隨扈到攝影記者也都是外界關注核心。保鑣們除會圍住金正恩座車跑步,也會搭成粉紅色小巴收支翻譯外媒記者還察看到,金正恩的保鑣10號晚間放著飯店美食不享用,出門帶了一大箱麥當勞外帶回旅館,揣摩是因為北韓沒有速食店,保鑣可貴出國,想要嘗鮮。


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曼布韋文翻譯翻譯社http://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-bluetooth-on-or-over-ear-headphones/ The Best Wireless Bluetooth Headphones 最推薦的耳罩式藍牙耳機 LAST UPDATED: SEPTEMBER 8翻譯社 2017 最後更新於 2017.9.8 After testing 115 headphones and considering an additional 170, we are still confident that the Jabra Move Wireless is the best set of wireless Bluetooth headphones for most people. Thanks to its price-defying sound quality and comfortable fit, this pair beat out headphones that cost twice as much for the second year running. It’s also solidly built翻譯社 easy to operate, and backed by a one-year warranty. 在現實測試了115副耳機 並又再察看了170副耳機後 我們仍然堅信 對於大多數人而言 Jabra Move Wireless會是耳罩式藍牙耳機中最好的選擇 也多虧了它與代價成反比的音質與舒適度 這款耳機一連第二年擊敗了那些比它貴上一倍的耳機 它的製作精良 操作容易 還有為期一年的保固 Best for most people Jabra Move Wireless Headset Great sound, comfy fit, affordable price— that’s the recipe for a two-time top pick. 最合適大多數人獎 Jabra Move Wireless Headset 音質好 舒適度佳 價錢實惠 這就是這副耳機為何能兩度摘下桂冠的法門 The Jabra Move Wireless came out on top again for several reasons. First, it sounds about 75 percent as good as many luxury Bluetooth headphones for less than one-fifth of the price, and it sounds great for phone calls翻譯社 too. Second, it features easy-to-use-and-understand controls翻譯社 rather than the confusing buttons and frustrating touchpads of other headphones. Third翻譯社 its soft earpads, padded headband翻譯社 and swivel earcups make it a comfortable fit for most people. And finally翻譯社 the battery gives you eight-plus hours of talk/listen time (we measured 15 hours) and 12 days of standby time, and the headphones still function while charging. All of this may sound basic, but you’d be surprised how many Bluetooth headphones fall short in one or more of these aspects. 幾個緣由讓Jabra Move Wireless再度登頂 首先 它的音質完全不輸給市面上大部門(75%)要價不菲的藍牙耳機 但代價卻不到它們的五分之一 並且在接聽德律風的部份 它的音質也很好(great) 其次 它的操作方式簡單易懂 沒有一大堆複雜的按鍵 或讓人抓狂的觸控式設計 再來 它的耳墊柔嫩 橫樑加了墊子 耳罩也可略微扭轉 這使得它能契合大多半人的頭型 最後就是 它的電池可接連8小時的利用 (網站實測為15小時) 12天的待機 而且在充電時也能正常利用 以上這些或許聽起來很基本 但使人受驚的是 為數眾多的藍牙耳機在其中一項或更多方面的體現是不合格的 The most comfortable Skullcandy Grind Wireless If all-day comfort is your top priority翻譯社 this pair is the way to go. But music lovers may not be fans of the forward lows that can blur male vocals. 最舒適獎 Skullcandy Grind Wireless 如果長時間配戴的舒適度是翻譯公司的重要尋求 那這副耳機就是翻譯公司最佳的選擇了 但音樂發熱友可能會對它過於凸起的低音致使男聲的混濁不太喜好就是 If our pick is sold out, or if comfort is your top priority, the Skullcandy Grind Wireless is worth a listen. You can wear this pair for hours without a hint of pain, because the pillowy earpads practically eliminate pressure points. Additionally, the Grind Wireless features intuitive control buttons, a solid chassis翻譯社 and 12-plus hours of battery life (along with the ability to use these headphones while charging), which makes this set a great option for all-day use. The overall sound quality is also very good, but it has an extra bass boost that extends into the lower mid range, causing male vocals and guitar to be overpowered on bass-heavy songs. That aside翻譯社 this model is a fantastic value for a sub-$100 set of headphones. 若是我們保舉的Jabra Move賣完了 或舒適度是你最優先的考量 那麼翻譯公司可以測驗考試看看Skullcandy Grind Wireless 這是一副你可以連續配戴數小時而不感應一丁點不適的耳機 因為它像枕頭一樣的耳墊有用地釋放了它的壓力點 此外 Skullcandy Grind Wireless有著很直覺的節制按鍵 堅忍的骨架 還有能使用跨越12小時的電池容量 (充電時可同時利用) 對於想長時間使用的人 上述這些部分都使這副耳機成為了極佳(great)的選擇 整體的音質也很好(very good) 只是它的低音加強會影響到部份中頻 使得男聲還有吉他在有重低音的歌曲中失真 除了這點之外 這副耳機以它低於百元美金的售價 仍是相當超值的 Better sound and active noise cancelling Sony H.ear On MDR-100ABN When sound quality trumps all other features, this pair gives you the most for your money. Our only complaint is that it doesn’t sound as great when corded. 優秀聲音及自動降噪獎 Sony H.ear On MDR-100ABN 當音質是重要考量身分時 這副耳機會是最物超所值的 我們唯一的埋怨只有他插線時的顯露反而較為遜色 If your top concern is getting the best sound possible for the money, consider the Sony H.ear On MDR-100ABN. With a mildly forward bass that doesn’t muddy the sound, plus clear, clean highs that don’t pierce翻譯社 the MDR-100ABN sounds better than headphones that retail for hundreds more. A 20-plus-hour battery life, a comfortable fit, quality active noise cancelling, and super-clear phone calls make this pair a winner for office use翻譯社 as well. These headphones fold up into a smallish carrying case about the size and shape of a bread bowl and come in a variety of fun yet tasteful colors. While the ANC isn’t the absolute best possible (check out our guide to the best active noise-cancelling headphones for that), it’s still noticeably effective at reducing background noise. Our only quibble is that turning on the ANC feature initially can cause a bit of “ear suck,” or the feeling that your ears need to pop due to a change of pressure. 若是你重要的考量是音質與消費的c/p值 那麼試試Sony H.ear On MDR-100ABN吧 他略微增強了的低音不會污染其他部份的聲音 高音的部門也乾淨清晰而且不難聽逆耳 MDR-100ABN聽著比很多貴上好幾百美金的其他耳機還要好 能繼續利用20小時以上的電池容量 配戴舒適 主動降噪品質佳 再加上超等清楚的通話功能 這使這副耳機在商務使用上也是很棒(winner)的選擇 這副耳機有多種色彩可供選擇 並可以摺疊收納至一個湯碗巨細的攜帶盒 即使他的主動降噪並不是最超卓的那幾款 但仍然顯明有用地削減了後臺的噪音 我們對它獨一可挑惕的處所是 剛打開自動降噪時 會有種”吸耳感(ear suck)” 或著說像是因為壓力轉變造成鼓膜向外脹的感覺 Bare-bones but built well JLab Neon Bluetooth Wireless On-Ear Headphones If you just want something ultracheap for short-term listening, this is the best-built and best-sounding pair we’ve come across. 最良好根基款 JLab Neon Bluetooth Wireless On-Ear Headphones 如果你只是想找一副非常廉價短時間使用的耳機 那麼我想這副耳機也許會是此類中做工跟聲音都最好的 If you want to spend as little as possible翻譯社 look for the JLab Neon Bluetooth Wireless On-Ear Headphones, which are built way better and sound way better than their competitors in the under-$40 range. We won’t mince words: Once you spend less than $70翻譯社 most Bluetooth headphones are cheap looking and tinny sounding翻譯社 but this JLab Neon model actually feels solid翻譯社 sports a 13-plus-hour battery life, and sounds decent. However, this pair doesn’t work corded (but does work while charging), and it sounds muffled on phone calls. The earpads also don’t swivel, which can make finding a good fit and seal difficult. Overall翻譯社 the JLab is good for a sub-$40 pair of headphones, but unless you absolutely need to spend the bare minimum, turn to our other picks, which offer better sound quality and features for the money. 如果你想盡可能少花錢 找找看JLab Neon Bluetooth Wireless On-Ear Headphones吧 在低於40美金的價位中 這副耳機不管品質跟音質都遙遙領先其他同類競爭者 我們不諱言的說 假如你只願意花少於70美金 那麼絕大部份的耳罩式藍牙耳機看起來都很便宜 聲音也對照差 但這款JLab Neon說實話照樣對照其實的(solid) 跨越13小時的陸續利用時候 音質聽起來也還算中規中矩 但這款耳機固然可在充電時利用 卻沒法插線利用 而且在德律風語音的部分 聽起來不太清晰(muffled) 耳罩沒法扭轉 所以舒適度較為減色 總體而言 這款耳機在40美元以內還算不錯 但除非翻譯公司真的必需把預算壓到最低 否則照樣斟酌我們保舉的其他幾款吧 多花的錢都將會在品質與音質上反應出來 The best at all the things (except price) Sennheiser HD-1 Wireless This is the right choice when you’re looking to get as close as possible to magical unicorn headphones that offer great sound, great fit翻譯社 and great noise cancelling— and you’re willing to pay whatever it takes. 最好耳機獎 (除代價...) Sennheiser HD-1 Wireless 如果你願意支付一切 只為了找到音質 舒適度 自動降噪全方位無死角的的夢幻逸品的話 那這副耳機就是你准確的選擇啦 The Sennheiser HD-1 Wireless comes the closest to being the best set of headphones in every category—other than affordability. It combines beautiful and comfortable build quality, better-than-average active noise cancellation, and the best sound quality our panelists have ever heard from a Bluetooth headphone model. It also offers a 22-hour battery life, two microphones to improve call quality翻譯社 and a two-year warranty. We’d love to have the ability to turn the ANC off, as well as somewhat bigger earcups, but those are minor issues. The only major downside to the HD-1 Wireless is its high price— if you can get past that, this is the overall best-performing pair of wireless headphones we’ve tested. 除代價之外 Sennheiser HD-1 Wireless幾近在各方面都稱得上是最接近完善的耳機 它有著摩登的外型與舒適的設計 平均水準以上的自動降噪 還有我們所有介入測試的藍牙耳機中最好的音質 跨越22小時的延續利用時候 兩個麥克風以促進通話功能 還有兩年的保固 假如它能讓我們自由開關自動降噪功能 而且耳罩再大一點點的話 那就更好了 但這些其實都算不上真實的問題(minor issues) HD-1 Wireless 唯一真實的弱點在於它奮發的價錢 若是無此顧慮 那這副就是我們所有測試的無線耳機中 整體而言顯露得最好的一副 附記: 1.只翻譯了原文中前面最精簡的內容 原文後面還有一些測試標準 和對於其他列入測試耳機的評價 2.鄙人對於耳機確切不是那麼有研究 若有翻譯毛病的話還請見諒指正 3.也由於對耳機認識得不是那麼深切 所以其實不肯定原文的權勢巨子性 只是因為當初選購時 該文章算是有接濟到一無所知的本身 所以翻譯此文章 4.原文題目為The Best Wireless Bluetooth Headphones 直譯為 "最好的無線藍牙耳機" 鄙人選用"最推薦的耳罩式藍牙耳機" 增添"耳罩式"是因為看起來文章中泛起的滿是此類 故自作主張增添之 5.翻譯這篇文章有部分目標是為了完成三篇的義務 後面籌算出清耳機 先不打自招一下 還望板友見諒 感謝浏覽


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