[12] Ni J, Chen M,Zhang Y 翻譯公司Li R,Huang J and Yeh S. Vitamin E succinate inhibits human prostate cancer cell growth via modulating cell cycle regulatory machinery. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2003 Jan 10;300 (2):357-63.
* reduces C-reactive protein and other markers of inflammation [11]
The reason one nutrient can cure so many different illnesses is because a deficiency of one nutrient can cause many different illnesses.
作者: Andrew Saul
維他命E與心臟病 (翻譯與清算: 喜貓)
[3] Stephens, Nigel G., et al. Randomised controlled trial of vitamin E in patients with coronary disease: Cambridge Heart Antioxidant Study (CHAOS). The Lancet, Vol. 347, March 23, 1996 翻譯公司 p 781-86.
[7] Shute 翻譯公司 Vogelsang, Skelton and Shute (1948) Surg., Gyn. and Obst. 86:1.
[13] Morris M C,Evans D A 翻譯公司Bienias J L,Tangney C C et al.Dietary intake of antioxidant nutrients and the risk of incident Alzheimer's disease in a biracial community study. JAMA 287(24):3230-3237.
Pioneer vitamin E researchers and clinicians Drs. Wilfrid and Evan Shute treated some 30,000 patients over several decades and found that people in average health received maximum benefit from 800 IU of the d-alpha tocopherol form of vitamin E. Vitamin E has been proven effective in the prevention and treatment of many heart conditions. "The complete or nearly complete prevention of angina attacks is the usual and expected result of treatment with alpha tocopherol" according to Wilfrid Shute 翻譯公司 M. D., a cardiologist. Shute prescribed up to 1,600 IU of vitamin E daily and successfully treated patients for acute coronary thrombosis, acute rheumatic fever, chronic rheumatic heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, diabetes mellitus 翻譯公司 acute and chronic nephritis, and even burns, plastic surgery and mazoplasia.
[10] Ames 翻譯公司 Baxter and Griffith (1951) International Review of Vitamin Research 22:401.
* decreases the insulin requirement in about one-forth of diabetics. [8]
[6] Enria and Fererro (1951) Arch. per Ia Scienze Med. 91:23.
化性疾病相當主要 翻譯社
『完全或幾近完全預防心絞痛發作,是稀鬆泛泛的 翻譯社』心臟病專家Wilfrid Shute,M. D.所說:“完全或幾乎完全的心絞痛爆發預防是α-生育酚治療的常見和預期成效。每日開立1 翻譯公司600 IU的維他命E,成功醫治急性冠狀動脈血栓形成,急性風濕熱,慢性風濕性心臟病,高血壓性心臟病,糖尿病,急慢性腎炎,甚至燒傷,也用在整形外科和乳房組織增生。
Two landmark studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine [1][2] followed a total of 125,000 men and women health care professionals for a total of 839,000 person study-years. It was found that those who supplement with at least 100 IU of vitamin E daily reduced their risk of heart disease by 59 to 66%. The studies were adjusted for life-style differences (smoking 翻譯公司 physical activity, dietary fiber intake, aspirin use) in order to determine the heart effect of vitamin E supplementation alone. Because a diet high in foods containing vitamin E as compared to the average diet further showed only a slight heart-protective effect 翻譯公司 the authors emphasized the necessity of vitamin E supplementation.
※削減糖尿病患者對胰島素需求,達1/4 翻譯社
※刺激肌肉氣力 翻譯社
Among other things 翻譯公司 vitamin E supplementation:
* gradually melts fresh clots 翻譯公司 and prevents embolism. [5]
[8] Butturini (1950) Gior.di Clin. Med. 31:1.
為何一個維他命可以治愈那麼多不同的疾病?因為缺少一個營養素致使許多分歧 翻譯疾病。
英國劍橋大學的研究人員說,被診斷出冠狀動脈硬化的患者,天天彌補400 IU~800 IU的自然維他命E(d-α生育酚),能下降心臟病爆發的風險達77% 翻譯社
[4] Hove, Hickman, and Harris (1945) Arch. Biochem. 8:395.
最早研究維他命E的研究人員和臨床醫師 翻譯社Wilfrid和Evan Shute在曩昔幾十年裡,醫治了約3萬名患者。發現一般健康的人,服用800IU 翻譯維他命E 翻譯有效情勢d-α生育酚形式中,在預防與醫治很多心臟狀態,能得到最大 翻譯好處。
[1] Stampfer MJ, Hennekens CH 翻譯公司 Manson JE, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Vitamin E consumption and the risk of coronary disease in women. N Engl J Med. 1993;328:1444-1449.
Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States 翻譯公司 and the evidence supporting vitamin E's efficacy in preventing and reversing heart disease is overwhelming.
維他命E是身體脂質(脂肪)階段壯大的抗氧化劑。可以預防低密度脂卵白,由自由基反應引發 翻譯。保護細胞膜免於被氧化所粉碎,對於預防與逆轉很多退
[11] Ridker PM 翻譯公司 Hennekens CH, Buring JE 翻譯公司 et al. C-reactive protein and other markers of inflammation in the prediction of cardiovascular disease in women. New England Journal of Medicine, 2000;342:836-843.
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『新英格蘭醫學雜誌』發表 翻譯兩項具里程碑意義的研究,一學期83.9萬人中有12萬5千名男女健康照護人員,每天補充最少100IU 翻譯維他命E,罹患心臟病風險下降了59-66%。
* preserves capillary walls. [10]
[9] Percival (1951) Summary 3:55.
[2] Rimm EB 翻譯公司 Stampfer MJ,Ascherio A, Giovannucci E, Colditz GA, Willett WC. Vitamin E consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease in men. N Engl J Med. 1993;328:1450-1456.

Researchers at Cambridge University [3] in England reported that patients who had been diagnosed with coronary arteriosclerosis could lower their risk of having a heart attack by 77% by supplementing with 400 IU to 800 IU per day of the natural (d-alpha tocopherol) form of vitamin E.
How it works
In addition, vitamin E inhibits blood clotting (platelet aggregation and adhesion) and prevents plaque enlargement and rupture.
If all Americans daily supplemented with a good multivitamin-multimineral, plus extra vitamins C and E, it could save thousands of lives a month.
* stimulates muscle power. [9]
* reduces the oxygen requirement of tissues. [4]
心臟病在美國是頭號殺手,維他命E在預防/逆轉心臟病 翻譯功能,證據歷歷在目 翻譯社
[5] Shute, Vogelsang 翻譯公司 Skelton and Shute (1948) Surg., Gyn. and Obst. 86:1.
Finally 翻譯公司 it has anti-inflammatory properties, which may also prove to be very important in the prevention of heart disease.
Vitamin E & Heart Disease
* improves collateral circulation. [6]
* Epidemiological evidence also suggests that a daily supplement of vitamin E can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer and Alzheimer's disease. [12, 13]
* prevents scar contraction as wounds heal. [7]
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant in the body's lipid (fat) phase. It can prevent LDL lipid peroxidation caused by free radical reactions. Its ability to protect cell membranes from oxidation is of crucial importance in preventing and reversing many degenerative diseases.
另外,維他命E能抑制血液凝聚(血小板聚集和粘連),並避免血塊擴大與破裂 翻譯社
By Andrew Saul
* preserves capillary walls. [10]
[9] Percival (1951) Summary 3:55.
[2] Rimm EB 翻譯公司 Stampfer MJ,Ascherio A, Giovannucci E, Colditz GA, Willett WC. Vitamin E consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease in men. N Engl J Med. 1993;328:1450-1456.

Researchers at Cambridge University [3] in England reported that patients who had been diagnosed with coronary arteriosclerosis could lower their risk of having a heart attack by 77% by supplementing with 400 IU to 800 IU per day of the natural (d-alpha tocopherol) form of vitamin E.
How it works
In addition, vitamin E inhibits blood clotting (platelet aggregation and adhesion) and prevents plaque enlargement and rupture.
If all Americans daily supplemented with a good multivitamin-multimineral, plus extra vitamins C and E, it could save thousands of lives a month.
* stimulates muscle power. [9]
* reduces the oxygen requirement of tissues. [4]
心臟病在美國是頭號殺手,維他命E在預防/逆轉心臟病 翻譯功能,證據歷歷在目 翻譯社
[5] Shute, Vogelsang 翻譯公司 Skelton and Shute (1948) Surg., Gyn. and Obst. 86:1.
Finally 翻譯公司 it has anti-inflammatory properties, which may also prove to be very important in the prevention of heart disease.
Vitamin E & Heart Disease
* improves collateral circulation. [6]
* Epidemiological evidence also suggests that a daily supplement of vitamin E can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer and Alzheimer's disease. [12, 13]
* prevents scar contraction as wounds heal. [7]
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant in the body's lipid (fat) phase. It can prevent LDL lipid peroxidation caused by free radical reactions. Its ability to protect cell membranes from oxidation is of crucial importance in preventing and reversing many degenerative diseases.
另外,維他命E能抑制血液凝聚(血小板聚集和粘連),並避免血塊擴大與破裂 翻譯社
By Andrew Saul